We invite you to join us in our continual quest to return to authentic New Testament Christianity (Revelation 2.5)!

Latest Episodes

9 | One Body, Many Members – Summer Meeting 2021 (Allen Bailey)

The church of Christ is comprised of people from every imaginable category and classification, and yet its members are expected to act as "one body" (1 Corinthians 12....

8 | Christian Liberties – Summer Meeting 2021 (Allen Bailey)

While Christians are called to be unified as "one body" with "one faith" (Ephesians 4.4-6), sometimes we disagree on matters of liberty. How should members of the body...

7 | Christian Living – Summer Meeting 2021 (Allen Bailey)

The Christian life involves a radical reorientation of the believer's lifestyle. Christ calls His followers not only to "put off the old man of sin," but also to "put ...

6 | "Take Heed Unto Thyself" – Summer Meeting 2021 (Allen Bailey)

The Lord Jesus calls each Christian to a higher standard of living. In this first lesson of our Summer Gospel Meeting, evangelist Allen Bailey exhorts us to examine ou...

5 | "Jesus, the _____ of God" – Hebrews Study Series (Haden Ayers)

Who do YOU say the Son of Man is? Join us as we begin a new study series through the book of Hebrews! In this lesson, Haden Ayers teaches us about the Mouth, Power, Im...

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