All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 in total
39 | The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit - Part 2: What He Does (Haden Ayers)
Learn about what the Holy Spirit has done and is doing in the continuation of last episode's study.

38 | The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit - Part 1: Who He Is (Haden Ayers)
Understand more about the personhood and deity of the most neglected member of the Godhead in this first lesson on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Who the Holy Spirit...

37 | The Letter to Philemon (Haden A. Ayers)
Why did Paul send Onesimus, a runaway slave, back to his master? Find out in this study on one of the most unique books in all of scripture: the letter to Philemon.

36 | Walking in the Valley (Robert Wayne Kornegay)
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35 | Living at Peace Within Yourself (Noah Howard)
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4.4). Paul penned these words while sitting in a cold, dank prison cell. Want to know how you can...

34 | Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses (Noah Howard)
Have you ever had an encounter with Jehovah's Witnesses that left you scratching your head? Do you want to learn more about how to share the gospel with them? Check ou...

33 | Men and Women – 1 Timothy 2 (Haden Ayers)
Explore 1 Timothy 2 with brother Haden Ayers, as Paul writes about the God-ordained roles of men and women "in the house of God" (1 Tim. 3.15). Got questions? Get in...

32 | Young People of the Bible (Michael Atkinson)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

31 | The Unhappiness of a Negative Thinker – Life of Joseph Series (Phillip Prince)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

30 | How to Deal With Demons – Part 1 (Robert Wayne Kornegay)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

29 | Form and Focus (Haden Ayers)
Spirit and truth. Law and love. Faith and works. Form and focus. In this study, brother Haden Ayers explores how the events in the upper room demonstrate the dual natu...

28 | Using Wealth Faithfully for the Master (Noah Howard)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

27 | Let the Bible Speak (Allen Bailey)
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26 | Facing Uncertainties in Faith (Dennis Fiorini)
How could a man unjustly shackled in a Roman prison pen the words "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4.4)? Brother Dennis Fiorini de...

25 | Jesus: The Teacher Beyond Compare (Michael Atkinson)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

24 | Providence in Prison – Life of Joseph Series (Phillip Prince)
Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or email us at!

23 | The Mule Ran Out From Under Him (Robert Wayne Kornegay)
From beloved prince of Israel to an ignominious burial in an unmarked grave – what caused the drastic fall of Absalom, son of King David? His fall is perhaps best char...

22 | The Beatitudes: A Salvation Issue! (Haden Ayers)
The Beatitudes are more than just the "Christian personality types" – they're attributes that EVERY Christian must come to possess! In this lesson, brother Haden Ayers...

21 | Searching for the Perfect Church (Noah Howard)
Many people are seeking to join a "perfect church" – one with no hypocrites, division or problems whatsoever. Is this a realistic expectation? Brother Noah Howard lead...

20 | God's Remedy for Depression (Noah Howard)
What does the Bible teach on the subject of depression? Find out in this lesson from brother Noah Howard. Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagra...

19 | "Just as I Am" (Haden Ayers)
How true is this concept of coming to Jesus “just as we are?” It almost seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? I mean, does Jesus really want anything to do with us, j...

18 | Acts 8 – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
In this dynamic lesson, brother Allen Bailey teaches us how to get right and how to stay right with the Lord using a simple outline from Acts 8! Got questions? Get in...

17 | Preaching Jesus – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
Many people are familiar with the basic facts about Jesus, but few are aware of what Jesus is doing today! In this lesson, brother Allen Bailey better acquaints us wit...

16 | The Romans Road to Salvation – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
The "Romans Road to Salvation" is a popular method of explaining how to be saved; but in this lesson, brother Allen Bailey identifies some potholes in the traditional ...

15 | "This Do in Remembrance of Me" – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
All Christians agree the Lord's Supper is an activity Christ commanded His followers to do at least every once in awhile. Yet, there is much disagreement over what exa...

14 | "I Will Build My Church" – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
Jesus declared His divine mission: "I will build My church" (Matthew 16.18); but how can we discern the Lord's church from the countless counterfeits to be found in th...

13 | The Need for Saving Souls – Summer Meeting 2022 (Allen Bailey)
In this sermon, brother Allen Bailey reminds us of our primary duty as Christians: saving souls! Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram, or ema...

12 | A Sermon for People With Ears (Noah Howard)
If you have at least one functioning ear, Jesus Christ has something to say to you! (Revelation 2.18-29) Got questions? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram...

11 | Jonah and the Mercy of God (Haden Ayers)
Many look to the Old Testament and, seeing the deaths of men like Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah, the destruction of cities like Sodom and Gommorah, or the world-wide flood, ...

10 | Why Did Jesus Choose Judas? (Robert Wayne Kornegay)
"Jesus replied to them, 'Didn't I choose you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil.' He was referring to Judas, Simon Iscariot's son, one of the Twelve, because he wa...